DIY | Holiday Ornaments for Your Tree, Stockings, Gifts, or Wreath

Last night at our MOPS Table Christmas Dinner, we enjoyed a little craft time!

My table leaders asked me to lead the group in a holiday craft and I was equal parts panicked and excited for the weeks leading up to the event.

amanda macy hall DIY Christmas Holiday Ornament for Wreath, Stocking, Gifts, and Trees

I had no clue what to make. Turns out, my archives of craft ideas on instagram and pinterest are pretty much all for toddlers and children. Not helpful.

So, just a few days before the event, MJ and I spent over an hour scouring the aisles of Hobby Lobby craft materials until I had an idea!

amanda macy hall DIY Christmas Holiday Ornament for Wreath, Stocking, Gifts, and Trees


Honestly, I didn’t want to make an ornament. And I’m not quite sure why.

So I was/am hoping that this spin on an ornament can be used as a …

  • Stocking Label/Ornament (just write your kid’s names on them!)
  • Wreath Accent Piece (Hang in the middle for a personalized moment)
  • Gift Tag (on any sized gift! Great for teachers)
  • Tree Ornament
  • Door Knob Decor
amanda macy hall DIY Christmas Holiday Ornament for Wreath, Stocking, Gifts, and Trees

I found all of my materials at Hobby Lobby, but have linked some similar products from Amazon in case that is easier for you.

amanda macy hall DIY Christmas Holiday Ornament for Wreath, Stocking, Gifts, and Trees


  1. Paint your wooden rectangle in the color of your choice. I did one side black and one side white. If you’re not planning on hanging the ornament on a tree, I think a deep green would be beautiful too.
  2. Thread your twine through your needle. You can use clear tape at the tip of your twine to help.
  3. Thread the twine through the hole in your wooden rectangle. This is the toughest part of the project, you may need to try different sized needles and wiggle wiggle wiggle.
  4. Center the rectangle on the threaded twine.
  5. Thread your 5 wooden beads onto both pieces of the twine. Both sides of the twine will go through each bead. I hope that makes sense
  6. Double-knot a loop at the end of your beads. Make sure your loop is large enough to be used as you need. And make sure your knot is large enough to keep the beads in place.
  7. Decorate your wooden rectangle! Use chalk or paint pens to doodle, write words, names, etc. Ideas below.
  8. Tie a piece of ribbon at the bottom or top of your wooden beads.
  9. You’re finished!
amanda macy hall DIY Christmas Holiday Ornament for Wreath, Stocking, Gifts, and Trees


  • Holiday/Christmas Sayings. Copy one of the sentiments in the photos above (they enlarge if you click them)
  • Your family Name. Example “The Hall Family”
  • Kid’s Names. One per ornament. Maybe their hand or fingerprints on the back?
  • Newborn Announcement. Write their name on the front and their birthdate, length and weight on the back
  • Gift Recipient’s Name. Don’t forget to add a note and your name on the back!
amanda macy hall DIY Christmas Holiday Ornament for Wreath, Stocking, Gifts, and Trees

This was very quick and quite fun! And addicting… I’m wanting to make personalized ones for the kid’s stockings now… and maybe some teacher gifts, too!

amanda macy hall DIY Christmas Holiday Ornament for Wreath, Stocking, Gifts, and Trees

If you make some, will you show me please? I’d love to admire your creativity!

Thank you for reading,
Amanda Macy Hall

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